Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Parade Princess

Today was so cool!! I spent the morning and afternoon with Becca and Belynda at DAK (Disney's Animal Kingdom) and via some magic, Becca, Cindy and I had the opportunity to be in the daily DAK afternoon parade. Oh my goodness, I felt like a princess :) We were sitting on the top step of one of the floats and basically waved and smiled to people the entirety of the parade. But instead of just softly waving like you see families do sometimes when they get to start parades in a car or whatever, some well of happy glittery sunshine gushed forth from within me and I couldn't hold it in; I waved my arm and waggled my fingers to as many kids and people as I could possibly see, mouthed the words "Happy Birthday!" to anyone with a birthday pin, and blew kisses when appropriate. I smiled so hard my cheeks hurt but I couldn't stop smiling, and I felt like one of the princesses in the other parades that everyone wants to see and loves getting waves from. Even better was when the camera crew for the park all stood in a group to the side to snap pictures of us and made us feel like we had our own paparazzi. People were filming us and taking pictures and every single person that smiled or looked just a little happier because I waved and smiled at them made me smile a little bigger. There are certain times in my life when I've never been more hyper, happy, and smiley and the Disney auditions and this parade have been those times. Such a cool, cool thing. And then we went to MK later to watch Wishes (the fireworks show) and eat ice cream at the Main Street parlor after, which was delightful. We still can't believe we live here! Face auditions for girls in the CP program are tomorrow morning...eek! I'm so glad I don't have to do that again, but there are some friends of mine that are going and I hope they make it! Also, more character (hint, hint*) training starts Sunday---yayyyyyy I cannot wait!

such flirts
it rains pours every single day, for like an hour

Poca's gonna climb that tree one day

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