Friday, February 1, 2013

The Scariest Thing I've Ever Done

I've done some pretty scary things. Sky-diving. Giant colossal swings. Touching sharks. Haunted houses (ugh). Falling, getting hurt. Getting back up. Starting over. Hoping. Praying. Moving. This is one of those things. The fear is starting to hit me, of a million different things. And I thought I understood my heart and head, but big shifts in life like this really make you question if everything you thought you thought is actually what you think you thought it was. A little Dr. Seuss verbage for thought :)

I'm moving my whole entire being to Tokyo, Japan for 14 months. To work for the Oriental Land Company, the corporation that owns Tokyo Disney. I will be spending my time doing what I love- making children of all ages happy, and in turn making myself happy.

Opportunities like this are extremely few and far between. I've been given this gift for a reason, and I intend to find and fulfill that purpose. Like Princess Jasmine, I'm about to have my first day in the marketplace. Like the gypsy Esmeralda, I know that we all are the children of God. And like Pocahontas, who follows her heart so freely and goes wherever the wind takes her, I know my path. So now I'm following it.

Boarding a plane for a 13-hour flight next Sunday, it's gonna be an adventure. But as my dear compatriot Nekisa once said, "We'll basically have the time of our lives."

1 comment:

  1. It will be the time of your life! Even though it is scary, you will look back and be so thankful for this experience. Have fun!
