Saturday, November 24, 2012

How Tokyo Happened

About a year ago when I was spending my first few months working in Orlando as part of the Disney College Program, I went to a Tokyo Disney audition on a whim, thinking it was crazy that they actually held these. When I walked out about half an hour later after not getting kept, I specifically remember deciding right then that if I ever went to one again and actually was selected, I would definitely go. When friends of mine were chosen for Tokyo that year and went, I realized that it was a future possibility, and a year later, dropped $$$ on plane tickets to fly in and out of California rather quickly to stop home and audition in the middle of Fall semester.
One of my good friends met me at the audition, and together we went through the process of staying through to the very end, delighted beyond words hours later when they handed us more information about the park and company. Auditions in themselves are highly entertaining, so it was almost worth the trip just to see all the different people at the audition ;) LA’s a great place!
Afterwards, we left the studio jumping up and down and yelling at the top of our lungs, called our loved ones, and we were on top of the world as we spent the rest of the day playing at Disneyland :) The casting directors had told us they would contact us via email in the next month and a half if they were going to offer contracts to us, and so we geared down for the wait.

playing in Disneyland

And wait we did. I can’t tell you how many text messages were sent back and forth between me and my other friends that auditioned, how many times I eagerly checked my email only to be disappointed. We even figured out the time difference in Tokyo to gauge what time they would be most likely to contact us. I was haunted with dreams when I slept of checking my email and getting one from Tokyo; it was embarrassing.
And then on the night I got home to California for Thanksgiving Break, I randomly checked my email right before I went to bed and there it was!! Sitting in the top of my inbox at that point for about an hour already, and I hadn’t checked earlier because my phone had died from the drive down. I couldn’t help it, I started freaking out! Most everyone in the house was asleep so Aric took me outside to jump up and down and shriek to my heart’s content, and once I calmed down we spent the next few hours discussing it. It was hard to sleep that night for sure.

A better surprise came in the morning though, my other friend had gotten an email for a contract too, so the three of us that had originally planned on going (she’s dating my friend who came with me to California) if we had actually gotten the chance, could!
So! In approximately three months I will fly in the beginning of February to the land of my birth, and spend the next 14 months after working in entertainment at Tokyo Disney :) I will keep this blog updated while I’m there, so if you want, you can share all my adventures with me. 

Sooo excited to go with these two!!