Sunday, August 28, 2011


In my line of work here, I have the privilege, opportunity, and blessing to get to give people hugs all the time, maybe the best hugs of all time. Anyone who knows me knows how much I love hugs :) There was a little old lady today that I met; I don't think she spoke English but she walked over out of her wheelchair for a hug and held our hands so tightly I did not want to let go. Simple magic. I love my job.
this is where I work!!

they're so beautiful...even more so in real life


everyone loves hugs

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Once Upon A Time

I forgot to start with a background story on how I got here. Way way back in Fall of 2009 I first heard about the Disney College Program from campus reps at BYU. I went to an information meeting on campus, and thought it was the coolest thing I'd discovered yet, because I'd always wanted the chance to work for Disney, and now here was a way for me to do it in college, and it was already all set up for me. So I filled out an application, went online, and took the online interview as the first step in the application process. And failed it. Somehow, someway, after my years of being obsessed with Disney and having the right qualities to be eligible for a number of other more intense things, I was told that the qualities that Disney was looking for did not match up with my personality at this time. What the heck! I felt like such a failure, and so I didn't tell a lot of people about it, because it was rather embarrassing.
I learned more about the program during Winter 2010 after going to another campus rep meeting, and in the Fall of 2010 decided to apply again. But after looking at the list of areas in which I could apply to work, I decided being in Entertainment would be the most fun for me, and so my friend Hannah and I drove to Salt Lake to audition to be character performers.

What a crazy audition! We were asked to dance a little, act a little, and be as animated as possible. Thanks to a 5-hour energy before the show plus tons and tons of adrenaline for what I was about to do, I was more pumped and animated than I have probably ever been in my life, and I was having so much fun!! Unfortunately, Hannah and I were both cut halfway through, but I learned about how the audition process works, how to stand out and that I would have to work on animating without sound, and know how to pick up a dance quickly and perform on demand. And we had fun :) If anything, we gained a better appreciation for all the work that goes into choosing the best performers that Disney can find for their Entertainment team. We also met a few people I would see again later, like Brynne, who would go on to work at WDW this past summer and become friends with some of the most beautiful and loved princesses in the land.
After applying (and this time making it past the online and phone interview) to the DCP again, I got my first acceptance letter in the mail, asking me to work Summer of 2011 in the Quick Service Food and Beverage department at Disney World. Now, no offense meant to any of those wonderful people in that area, but personally, I did not feel as though it was worth buying a plane ticket to and from Florida to work there during the summer in Food and Beverage. But that's just my personal opinion, and the DCP does this really cool thing where if you wait six months, you can apply again and they disregard your last application. So I decided that I would wait and apply for the next Winter semester. 
In Winter of 2011, I met a girl named Jamie in my jazz class at BYU, and she told me about a random Disney audition she'd be attending in March. I asked if I could come along, just for practice, because my new plan was to audition again in the Fall for my application in the Winter. And growing up dancing I've been told over and over again that every audition is a chance to learn and practice. I wasn't planning on getting anything from the audition other than experience. So Jamie and I went, and both of us were extremely pleasantly surprised to find both of ourselves at the end of the audition, one being pulled to dance again, the other being pulled aside for my pictures. I was so unprepared that I hadn't brought a resume or headshot, or really anything besides my ID. I couldn't believe it, and we were both on top of the world!
A few weeks later we both got calls back, and I was told that Disney would like me to perform in an Entertainment role in the Fall, but I would have to apply to the DCP and do it through that, since I'm still enrolled in school. And I thought about it for a little less than a few hours, screamed my head off with excitement, and said yes :) I had to move my schedule around for school a ton, and it screwed up the timing I had set out for applying to my major (which I haven't even been accepted for yet, but I'm hoping to major in Advertising with a minor in Business) but this was the opportunity of a lifetime and I had to take it!
I was interviewed on the phone (and online) again for the DCP, got an acceptance letter with "Entertainment" on it, and here I am, 5 months later, living my dream! It took a long time, a lot of patience, effort, hard work and planning, but it still feels surreal, as if I'm going to wake up any second and be back in Provo, but I won't because I'm HERE :) Where it rains on and off like a switch and there are tourists around every corner and the brightest and most dazzling costumes bring the movies to life and I cannot tell you how grateful I am to be here, because I love my life.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Whirlwind of Magic

It’s been awhile since I’ve had time to do anything, let alone post on a blog! I flew to Florida last week on Tuesday, and since then have moved in (I finally finished putting my stuff away today, because it’s literally been a whirlwind of things to do since I got here), been training in the Entertainment department of WDW (Walt Disney World) as a character performer, and have my first days off this Friday and Saturday. And I get the whole two days free! Problem is, I don’t know tons of people here yet (that’s a lie, I do, I just don’t know them all well) so….I can go to Walmart again and get even more things I can’t take back with me, go visit my new friends at their jobs in various places, go shopping at the outlet mall right down the street, go swimming, go workout, sweat, watch some episodes of Modern Family…or take a half hour or so bus ride to the parks :) I get to play in 6 different Disney parks (2 of the water variety) for the next four months. Nbd. Oh and guess what starts in a week or so? School, which = empty parks to play in. And guess what’s in two months? Oh Halloween, and I’m only in the greatest place in the U.S. for costume and character ideas. In three? Thanksgiving, where the food here is obnoxiously delightfully scrumptious. And four? Oh yes it’s Christmas, my all-time favorite holiday that I either celebrate or get ready to celebrate all year. Christmas in the swamps—it’s gonna be good. 
By the way I love the weather here! It feels so good to not be putting lotion and Vaseline on all the time, and with the job that I have, it makes you feel like you’re working out more than you actually are just because humidity droplets zoom and stick to you like magnets, to form waterfalls of lovely sweat. Speaking of which, I love my job :) I love my life! If I could have a ! and a :) after every sentence, it would probably be appropriate. But just like in texts, those get so annoying after awhile, so I apologize if I overdo it. I’m just SO HAPPY. I feel like this is the best, most awesome place in the world to be for me right now, I get paid to play everyday, and oh my goodness, I get paid to play with kids and people in the land of fairy tale endings and happily ever afters, where princesses are around every corner and their princes are right behind them. I love being a part of the magic everyday. My first set of training officially ends tomorrow, and while I have to be vague on all the details for the sake of keeping my job, just keep checking back or on my Facebook, and I’ll try and let you know what I’m up to. I’m planning on going to DAK (Disney’s Animal Kingdom) on Friday for the first time, and we’re going to meet Pocahontas! I’m so so so sooooo excited, especially because I’m going to become very good friends with her in the near future :) Chip and Dale, Gideon, King Louie, and maybe even Dug and Mr. Penguin if I’m lucky, are beginning to be my dear friends and I love them all so much! Life is good, and I entirely recommend you all get your buns over here to experience this as I see it, cuz I may not ever leave :)

P.S. Apparently a category 3 hurricane (Irene) is going to hit Florida this Friday? Never been through one of those before. If I die, I’ll die utterly and completely blissfully happy :) But really. After I meet Rapunzel. And Pocahontas.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Engaged To Be Engaged Dave Allbee and I pretended via Facebook that we were engaged to be married. Dave and I were co-counselors this last week at EFY in Provo (Utah), and just like every other week, the kids were just in love with the idea of us being In Love :) Precious, it's true, but rarely does it actually happen. Even more rare (yes we are in Provo, but still) are the introductions a week before the actual engagement. The whole day Dave's aunts and uncles were calling his mom, and my friends from home and school were texting me asking if it was true. Why people believed Dave more than me doesn't quite make sense, maybe because he's a little older and I've been swearing for the past few years I wouldn't get married? Plus I still have to do EFY again next summer, duhh. Aww the kids were so sweet about it though, saying they knew we'd get married and knew the whole week we were meant to be. At least we didn't take fake engagement pictures, like some April Fool's jokers up here that I know. Sorry honeys, especially in the Land of the Fabulous and Flashy that I'd flying to next week, there's no way I'll be getting hitched anytime soon. Thank goodness :) Love to Dave, who put up with all the calls, texts, and messages on Facebook today with me, we had a great run while it lasted. 
girl's choice at the dance

we make such a cute couple

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Over Already??

So I spent all afternoon (and I'm still not done yet) writing to all my girls on Facebook to let them know that I miss them. Approximately 50 messages. I just wish I had all the time in the world to write in my journal, lay out and catch those rays, work out, say hi to every single person in Provo that I missed while I was gone and will miss for the next five months, tell all the people I appreciate how much I appreciate them, never sleep (cuz I'm super woman and don't need to) read all the books I haven't had the time to read in the last few years, organize all my laundry and clean the house, start my application to the Advertising Program already, catch up on TV shows, read my scriptures without droopy eyes, and maybe even go on a few dates. I don't know how women in the world do it. I look back on the summers I had in high school when I was bored out of my mind for lack of things to do, and wistfully go back to my current To-Do list. 
EFY's already over! I had SUCH a fantastic week getting to know my girls better than ever before, meeting an entire new team of counselors, BC's and other counselors on the three other teams working at BYU, and trying to keep the 2,000 kids on campus organized and happy. I'm in complete awe of the people in Provo who've done 6-11 weeks of EFY in a row and aren't burnt out yet. Props. At the end though, I could barely tear myself away from my kids and my co, was so, so happy to sink into my own bed at night, and then have the opportunity to bare my testimony in church this morning :) My girls prayed half of the week for rain on Friday so we could combine dances with the other colored teams, and in the end Heavenly Father won out, it didn't rain, but by a miracle in the form of an errand and a kid that needed just a bit of service, I was able to go to both the dances I wanted :) EFY's not just for the kids, and I love it. I love it so much. more week and I'm leaving for Orlando! What a trip. I love my life. To end with the lovely little quote that's on a fridge (more than one of us quoted it today in Testimony Meeting): "Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end."
Spencer (Ken), Dave (my co-co) and I

applying the scriptures to our lives

where we had our morning gospel study

Dave and I looking for shapes in the clouds (he found a femur?)

Monday, August 1, 2011

I love my whooole house!

Remember that cute little Youtube vid ( ) where lil miss Blond Curly-Cue is standing in front of her bathroom mirror, so enthusiastic about life going “I love my dad! I love my mom! I love my Allisons! I love my hair! I love my haircut! I love my whole house! I can do anything…” etc.? Not only one of the cutest things of all time, but also how I feel right now, and how I felt when I came home to Provo last night J These last few weeks have been an adventure. I’ve had the privilege of being surrounded by some of the greatest human beans in California, young and older-than-young alike, and I can say with great gusto that my perspective on life has changed a lot; these kids are such an example to me and humble me daily. Being a counselor to teenagers is fun, but being an EFY counselor to baby prophets, apostles, teachers, and relief society mommies is ten times better, and I shall tell you why.
1.      I’ve never seen boys ages 14-18 so enthusiastic anywhere else to take trays, open doors, make roses out of napkins, and write c.o.w. (crush of the week) notes and love songs to sing to girls they’ve only known for a few days.
2.      Part of the magic of EFY is how easy it is to become best friends so quickly with people. I would literally die for my fellow counselors (and kids). Sounds a bit drastic.
3.      I’ve never before said in my life that I “want to be a mom so bad!” Except last week.
4.      Referring back to #1, in Redlands where there were soccer camps going on at the same time (which shall also be touched on later, as a certain Brazilian bombshell [ß can you use that word to describe a male?] soccer counselor caught my eye), I saw not once but twice, darling little soccer kids following the example my EFY kids set and taking the trays of their own comrades to the cafeteria conveyor belt for them. Totes presh. But really, it melted my heart.
5.      Brazilian bombshell. Not LDS. Beautiful, dark, and exotic. And I can’t say anything else about my little crush on him or it will venture into realms of inappropriateness.
6.      My girls and boys love each other. So much so that they weep together, get tissues for each other and grab each other in fierce hugs, feel the Spirit together and feel that bond of togetherness that sometimes is a first for them, from EFY.
7.      It’s like being a parent and missionary at the same time, being an EFY counselor, or at least like training for both. What could be a better combination?
8.      Where else can you dance to honestly the most annoying and tacky “everyday” music and have a total blast? With lights on? And where else are kids talking so loudly while they slow-dance (getting to know each other and asking stupid questions like “So what color is your toothbrush?”) that you can’t hear the actual song in the background?
9.      Is EFY reality? No. Is it one of the greatest inventions of my Church for the teenagers of today? Yes. I have such a huge testimony of it, the powerful thing that it can be, and how possible it is for a whole life to be changed in five days, even one as young as 14.
There are so many stories I could tell about this absolutely fantastic last week, and I’m starting to forget them all so I need to write them down in my actual journal before I do forget. But this general summery hopefully hits all the spots. I love EFY J And my bébé’s. And my co-counselors. And my other counselors. And my BC’s. And my brothers. And the beach. And BYU. And thunder storms. And my roommates… 

it's easy to get tired on the job