Saturday, November 19, 2011

Surprising the Roommates!

Right now I am currently in the BYU library attempting to touch up some essays so I can turn them in and finish this dumb class. Yuck. In between editing and writing I am, of course, updating this fabulous blog that I use as an excuse not to be productive. 
So yesterday I up and flew to Utah for the weekend :) I only told one person (in Utah), my very dear friend Aric so that he could pick me up from the airport and help me surprise my roommates. And what a surprise it was! First of all it's freezing in Utah, and I couldn't believe I was actually going when I got on the plane, nor when I stepped off into the Salt Lake City airport. Second, we almost missed the girls on their way out to dinner and a movie. Aric and snuck up the stairs of my apartment while I waited outside the door and listened to Kim and Kat talk (oh, how I've missed their voices!) and then when he came back to open the door, he grabbed the camera from my hands as I walked in, Kim started screaming so loud Hannah's dad came upstairs to see what was wrong, and then Kat started crying. Best. Moment. Ever. 
I love my roommates so much!! Through a wonderful series of fortunate events (and the help of some very good friends) I was able come back to Provo for the weekend, and couldn't be happier :) 
We ran into a few more friends at Cafe Rio after (Mauri, Hilary) and then went to see Breaking Dawn, which is definitely the weirdest, grossest, and most entertaining of the Twilight movies thusfar. I can't say I'd necessarily enjoy seeing it again, but when we walked out of the theater is was SNOWING, big huge flakes of wonderful icy cold stuff from the heavens! We drove around in Kim's car, singing at the top of our lungs and laughing and gasping at all the beautiful Christmas lights now decorating the Riverwoods. I couldn't ask for anything more. 
But I got more--friends I haven't seen in what feels like an entire summer showed up at our apartment (I was exhausted from not going to bed the night before and traveling all day, but who cares! :) ) and played Apples to Apples with us, and then Skjelse and I shnuggled on a mattress pad thing all night, happily giggling til we passed out. I also finally got to see Trent in person, the one that basically made this weekend happen :) Finally! And that's a whole 'nother story.
they had no idea! Aric did well

Kim, Kat and I in the SNOW :) And Brad on the phone

Skjelse's and my favorite Apples to Apples description: "Fat and Sassy." And man I missed my onesies

best sweater ever!! The story of my life in clothing, and you can't see it but #50 is the best: Hugs :)

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