Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Halloween at Tokyo Disneyland!

Here in Japan they have a concept called "cosplay" (costume play) in which people almost religiously dress up as their favorite characters from all sorts of films, shows, and books. It's taken to a whole new level at Tokyo Disneyland, when for two weeks in October anyone can dress up as anything Disney-related and go inside the park. I've never seen anything like it, not even in the states when the Disney parks have Halloween nights. 

My friend Mia and I decided to see it for ourselves on the weekend (the busier the better) and spent the day checking out all the people and taking pictures. The great thing about the Japanese is that they wanted us to take pictures of them; they happily posed for anyone who walked by with a camera, and even took group shots with people they didn't know who were dressed up as similar characters. 

These are some of my favorite shots from the day, and the rest of the pictures can be found on my Facebook:

Alice in Wonderland
Snow White's wishing well and the seven dwarves
Rapunzel's hair team and the guy who sells flags
The Sultan, the Emperor of China, and the King of Hearts
30th anniversary Chip and Dale

by far my absolute favorite, all the forms of Genie in the movie Aladdin!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Time to Feel Japan

I basically haven't touched my blog since I've been in Japan. To be honest, there's so much to say that I couldn't possibly type it all out. Also due to my preference in keeping the Disney magic alive, there are a lot of stories I can expand upon if asked. That being said... I'm back :)

My plan for this blog in the next few months is to show just what Japan is like, or what I've seen of it thus far. In an effort to let everyone "feel Japan," I will be uploading video clips and a few pictures that show the true underlying essence of the culture that I've fallen in love with. 

I have a very short five and a half more months left here. My heart is already breaking with the knowledge that I have to leave, but in those last months I will be traveling to Kyoto (the old capital of Japan), having family and friends visit, helping to train a new cast, and getting ready for my next adventures. If you're willing to stay on this with me, I'll be sharing some of the lessons I've learned along the way (like that sleeping in public is completely acceptable, but eating isn't, or that slurping noodles loudly is a sign of appreciation for the food instead of an act of rudeness) and maybe share some of my favorite work stories :) 

Finally, I am so, so, so incredibly happy and blessed to be here. I'm reminded by it constantly in the people I meet, the smiles I see, the kisses that I'm lucky enough to have blown in my direction, the talented performers that I'm surrounded by, and in the wonderful apartment I have to come home to. This is a beautiful country, with sweet, happy people, and this year's experiences are irreplaceable. And I'm ready to start sharing them with the world. 

Hiking Mt. Fuji
Mumford and Sons concert
The Tokyo YSA's
Being an international EFY counselor
An indoor pool for 4th of July