Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Enjoy the Ride

I’m going to Tonga this summer. And I have a blog. And these are panties on my wall. 

The Panties: 

I’ve had these panties for awhile, and at the point that I might’ve gotten rid of them I realized how much I needed to remember what they say. It’s easy for me to focus on my own little world of problems, get caught up in my little phone, social media, comparing my weaknesses to others’ strengths, and how many goals I haven’t yet accomplished. I forget that patience is a virtue. That there is so much joy to be found in the day-to-day activities that take up much of my time, as well as the people I share those activities with. So when I’m alone in my room, reflecting on the day and whether or not I feel accomplished, I remind myself to “Enjoy the ride,” and all that comes with it. Plus what better way to remind yourself than with the backside of your unmentionables?


(Before we get into it, I’d like to clarify that Tonga is near Hawaii/Australia/New Zealand, since no one seems to have heard of it ) 

I have been offered the opportunity to serve as a Trip Leader for an LDS (this is a nickname for 'Mormon' by the way, which I am) program for teenagers called Humanitarian Especially For Youth (HEFY). 

It gives teens the opportunity to travel abroad and do humanitarian aid, strengthen their faith and testimonies in the love God has for everyone everywhere, and to expand their perspective of the world around them. Other churches would call this something like a "mission trip," but in the LDS church a "mission" classifies as 1-2 years of a media fast spent preaching the Gospel in somewhere other than your home.

After years of being an EFY counselor I’m so so excited!! If everything gets approved and figured out, I will be in the Polynesian Islands for 5 weeks between July and August.

The Blog:

Surprise - I have one! Not something I’ve touched in awhile, but it’s been there for me since I did the Disney College Program in 2011, documenting my experiences for those who wanted to follow them. I guess that’s why I still have it. Enjoy :)